Peter von Ziegesar is the author of the well-received memoir, The Looking Glass Brother (Picador, 2014).

In 2022 he founded the Tennants Cove Writers Workshop, a center for fiction, memoir, and screenwriting located on the Saint John River in New Brunswick, Canada.

He has written for The New York Times, WNYC, Art in America, Artnet, Lapham's Quarterly, The Common, Aeon, Serious Eats, Out, Outside, and more.

He is a founding board member of, and book editor for, the literary translation publisher, Archipelago Books, winner of numerous national and international awards.

His films are in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art and were featured in the recent MoMA exhibitions, Private Lives, Public Spaces and Club 57.

He lives in Brooklyn, New York, with his wife, Hali Lee, and several hives of Italian honey bees.